Andrey Mergenyov

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Andrei Mergenyov released from prison. He was imprisoned in Saratov after a fight with a Nazi in June 2007.

More on case of Andrey:

Andrey Mergenyov paroled Recently we learned, that imprisoned anti-fascist Andrey Mergenyov was paroled. He was in prison since june 2007 after a fight with a Nazi in Saratov. Our congratulations for Andrey, but remember that there are still other prisoners in need of our support.

A letter from Andrey Mergenyov and other prisoner updates Andrei Mergenyov is imprisoned in Saratov after a fight with a Nazi in June 2007. Recently we received a following letter from him, and we translated it just to remind you about one of the less known Russian anti-fascist prisoners.

Support Andrei Mergenyоv, imprisoned anti-fascist from Saratov, Russia! In November 2007 Andrei was given a 3 year prison sentence for participation to a fight, which took place in June of the same year. He was fighting with a Nazi, and wounded him with a screwdriver which Nazi dropped during a fight.